Golden Gate Western Wear
Home of Knudsen Hat Company
Magnificent 7
Steve McQueen as Vin Tanner
Movie Hat Replica
4 3/4" Crown
3 1/2" Brim
Can be made in sizes: 6 7/8 - 7 3/4
Shown with: Extra Heavy Stains $50
Did you know that the Magnificent Seven is a western movie version of a Japanese movie called The Seven Samurai. Akira Kurosawa directed The Seven Samurai in 1954, Kurosawa is considered one of the most influential directors in movie history and the influence of American Western movies on him is made exquisitely evident when one of his movies was made back into a western movie. The Magnificent Seven is one of the most iconic western movies of all time. Well of course it is, it had Steve McQueen in it! Steve McQueen was gold!
Even the name Magnificent Seven was brilliant and this name did not come from Kurosawa. The name Magnificent Seven sounds awesome and equally so in Spanish - Los Siete Magnifico. We also make the Yul Brenner/ Chris movie hat and the James Coburn/ Britt movie hat. We will someday get them photographed on our site